Kitec – Don’t Forget the Deadline to Submit a Claim

It seems like many years since the Ontario Superior Court of Justice entered an Order for Approval of Class Action Settlement back on November 29, 2011 and the Kitec Settlement Agreement (“Kitec Settlement”) for defective plumbing systems became effective way back on January 9, 2012. I suppose 7 years is a long time depending on how you look at things, especially as discussions about Kitec have also seemingly faded into the background at industry events in recent years as new hot button topics  such as amendments to the Condominium Act, 1998, cannabis legalization, and electronic vehicles have all arisen. We last wrote about Kitec in March of 2017 reminding condominiums the first step should be to contact their engineer to determine if the condominium has a Kitec plumbing system, then filing a claim and/or consulting the Condominium’s lawyer. You can read the post here: So here again is a friendly reminder for condominiums in Ontario that the deadline to submit a claim form to be eligible to be included in the Kitec Settlement is fast approaching: January 9, 2020. You can find the claim form, information regarding the case/settlement, and FAQs here: Finally, just a few key reminders about completing the claim form and providing supporting documentation to file a claim:
  1. Complete the whole form – if sections/questions are inapplicable remember to note “N/A”
  2. Make sure to provide copies of invoices and cancelled cheques for plumbing services . My understanding is banks can be quite slow to provide old archived cheques to the condominium so make sure to get on this request quickly.
  3. If possible - provide a sample of a failed Kitec fitting and an engineering report to support the condominium’s claim; and
  4. Finally, if the condominium has suffered numerous plumbing failures over the years it may be best to complete one comprehensive claim. Already made a claim but the condominium has suffered further plumbing failures? Submit a new claim. Organizational Tip: Use a spreadsheet to track the cancelled cheques and plumbing invoices to be submitted with the claim.