Schedule G Continued - Elaboration on Electrical Installations

Post by: Craig Robson

In our first Schedule G blog we included the following comments on electrical installations:

5. Paragraph 9 of Form 2 says all installations with respect to the provision of electricity are in place.

  • Does this mean only lateral lines to and including the electric meters, or do the unit service panels also have to be installed or is live electricity at the wall sockets required?

We think the lateral lines need to be to the electrical panels of the units and those panels have to be in place.  However, we do not think the lines have to run beyond that.

We have had some issues with respect to this provision of Schedule G since our last blog.  We think that it may be prudent to at least have the electricity lines in place that are needed to operate the unit furnace, ventilating equipment and if there is air conditioning, the unit air conditioner, subject to the comments below.

In passing, it is noted that the Schedule G provisions with respect to heating and ventilation state:

All installations with respect to the provision of heat and ventilation are in place and heat and ventilation can be provided

The Schedule G provisions with respect to air conditioning do not have the bolded provision set out above in relation to heating and ventilation.  The provisions with respect to air conditioning merely state:

All installations with respect to the provision of air conditioning are in place.

Does the omission of the statement “… and air conditioning can be provided” in this section of Schedule G mean that while heat and ventilation systems must be operable, the air conditioning equipment is not required to be operable at the time of the Schedule G signing?   We think that a good argument can be made that this omission allows for Schedule G to be signed even if the air conditioning is not then hooked up to the electrical system as long as the unit air conditioning (if there is to be any) is in place.

The more conservative approach is to have the electricity hooked up to the air conditioners at the time of the Schedule G inspection unless there is a reason this cannot be easily done at the time of the Schedule G inspection.