WARNING! At Capacity for 2020

This post will be a short one. I wanted to let people know that many of the companies offering virtual condominium hosting services are almost booked for the remainder of 2020 for hosted events (i.e. with moderators). Some of the providers have other options available (i.e. online proxies, electronic voting only, no moderator), but you'll want to reach out to your providers ASAP if you are looking for a full package. There may be capacity issues for some of the alternatives as well, so it is best to get your AGM scheduled ASAP if you haven't done so yet. One alternative may be to host the meeting on your own without the assistance of the meeting hosting companies, but this can be challenging for large condominiums where electronic voting without one of the platforms can be difficult to manage with large numbers. It can work for smaller condominiums with fewer owners, especially if most voting is done by proxy. Alternatively, some condominiums are hosting their AGMs outside with people spaced out and wearing masks. If you decide to go this route, make sure you know what the limit on social gatherings is at the time of the meeting so you aren't offside any requirements or recommendations at the time. Lastly, if you are looking to book your virtual meeting into late November and December you might need to hold a meeting before that one to pass a by-law authorizing virtual meetings and electronic voting. The amendments to the Act that authorized virtual meetings and electronic voting are set to expire on November 21, 2020, unless the government extends it. You might want to speak with your lawyer about possible alternatives if this is an issue for your condominium. For more information on the deadlines for holding your 2020 AGM and other related issues, see our previous blog post here: https://ontcondolaw.com/2020/07/30/end-of-the-declared-emergency-your-most-common-condo-agm-questions-answered/