Condo Stats - Grand River & Golden Horseshoe Edition

As a self-proclaimed condo geek, I'm always interested in statistics about the condo industry. About a week ago I decided to do a quick search of the electronic land registry system to see how many condominiums were in my area.  I have been known to procrastinate on occasion so I also looked up all of the other counties and regions located with the Golden Horseshoe and Grand River Chapters of CCI. For those interested, the numbers as at June 16, 2017: Grand River The Grand River Chapter, the newest chapter of CCI, boasts an impressive 971 condominiums:
  • Brant - 105
  • Wellington - 237
  • Waterloo Region - 629
Not bad for an area with less than a million residents. Golden Horseshoe The Golden Horseshoe Chapter of CCI has seen impressive growth in recent years so it shouldn't come as a surprise that there has been tremendous growth in the number of condominiums in the area too. The total number of condominiums is now 1411:
  • Halton - 672
  • Hamilton-Wentworth - 552
  • Niagara - 137
  • Haldimand - 17
  • Norfolk - 33
That is an impressive number of condos for a population of just over one and a half million people! I read an article recently that suggested that about 60% of new residential developments are condominiums. If my hometown is any indication, I think that trend will continue! Let me know if there are any other areas that you are curious about and I'll write about them in a future post.